Process Your Membership Dues
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We are grateful for our regular members—Marines and FMF Navy Personnel—who proudly uphold the honors and traditions of the Corps, bringing invaluable experience, leadership, and dedication to our detachment. We also extend our deepest thanks to our Associate Members, whose unwavering support and commitment enhance our mission and make a meaningful impact in our community. Each member, whether Marine, FMF personnel, or Associate, plays an essential role in our team. We invite and encourage new members to join us in carrying on this legacy of service, camaraderie, and dedication.
How to Join
1. Download & Complete the
MCL Membership Application
2. Send Us Your Contact Info-
Let Us Know You'd Like to Join
3. Attend a Membership Meeting
to Submit Your Application
4. Become a Member of Detachment 1347!
Membership Eligibility
Regular Membership:
Serving or have served honorably* in the United States Marine Corps "ON ACTIVE DUTY," for not less than ninety (90) days and earned the Eagle, Globe, and Anchor or have served or is currently serving in the United States Marine Corps Reserve and have earned no less than ninety (90) Reserve Retirement Credit Points. (Rev 2022)
U.S. Navy Personnel:
Serving or have served honorably* in the United States Navy and who have trained with Marine FMF units in excess of ninety (90) days and earned the Marine Corps device (clasp) worn on the Service Ribbon, (i.e.: Southwest Asia Service Medal, Vietnam Service Medal, Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal.
Earned the Fleet Marine Force Enlisted Warfare Specialist Device (FMFEWS) (10/1/06 to present) or the Fleet Marine Force Officer (FMFQO) Insignia (1/1/10 to present.) An Award of the Fleet Marine Force Ribbon (FMF Ribbon) (9/1/84 - 9/30/06), the FMFEWS or FMFQO.
"Served Honorably" is determined by DD Form 214 or equivalent discharge certificate.
Associate Membership:
Those individuals not qualified for regular membership in the Marine Corps League who espouse the principles and purposes of the Marine Corps League.​
Membership Dues
Membership is obligation-free; contribute as much of your time, whether in-person or online, as you like.
Membership dues are vital to supporting the mission of Detachment 1347. They help fund a variety of important initiatives, including scholarships for local high school students, color guard details, meeting place maintenance, community events, veteran support programs, and other outreach efforts. Your dues not only sustain our operations but also enable us to give back to the community and honor our Marine Corps traditions. Your membership is greatly appreciated and makes a significant impact.
Regular & Associate Membership Dues (annually)
Lifetime Membership Dues (one-time)
$1,000 - 35 years or lower
$800 - 36-50 years of age
$600 - 51-64 years of age
$400 - 65-84 years of age
$100 - 85 years of age and higher
The above fees are only available if the member's annual dues have been paid and the member is in good standing.